What Bible Study topic, field of study, or affiliate would you similar to learn in more detail? Nosotros are opening those again now that the Father is once again, sending His Spirit to gather His saints over again for the concluding fourth dimension; we feel the need to address questions.

Many of the questions are not asked clearly, but we'll practice our all-time to reply them as well as we can.

Questions and Answers from BSM Newsletter

Today'due south question is:

Can you requite a step-by-pace explanation of the future events in society, eastward.thou the book of revelation?

This is a good question; we all want to know how things are going to get then nosotros tin can best ready ourselves and our families for the futurity. This is why Jesus Christ gave a rundown, if you will, (of end-time events) in Matthew chapter 24.

Well hither is something that will burst a few bubbles and shake people up (even the guys and gals that really know their Bibles). The Bible is scrambled upwardly, similar eggs cooked with common salt and pepper, and it is washed on purpose. Fifty-fifty the chapters; Matthew 24 was deliberately shuffled (now that I mentioned it, the Holy Spirit may straight you every bit you go and reread it).

The Volume of Revelation is likewise deliberately shuffled, even the seals, vials, and trumpets are out of order. An example for you, for instance, poetry xiv in Matthew 24 says:

xiv And this gospel of the kingdom shall exist preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and and then shall the end come.

What happens at the cease?

Daniel 9:26

26 and the end thereof shall exist with a overflowing, and unto the end of the war, desolations are determined.

We're going to take a shortcut; everything in Matthew 24 has already happened all the way downwards to verse 29. What is poesy 29? Poetry 29 says:

29 Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her calorie-free, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken:

Verse 29 is the Sixth Seal in the book of Revelation (which is actually the seventh seal, but it was deliberately rearranged to deceive united states of america to throw united states off, but that's another posting). Verse 29 in Matthew chapter 24 is actually the 6th seal in Revelation chapter six! And the Sixth Seal is the return of Christ, which takes place after the war.

Therefore, where we are in the timeline is waiting for the war to take place. It begins when the starting time nuclear weapon is detonated; this happens simultaneously with the collapse of America, which ignites the war and the war will last for five months. Christ then intervenes in the war considering of the nuclear weapons being used. If He doesn't, there volition be no flesh saved.

30 And then shall appear the sign of the Son of human being in heaven: then shall all the tribes of the world mourn, and they shall see the Son of human being coming in the clouds of heaven with ability and smashing glory.

When Christ intervenes, the nations will turn their attention from killing each other (in war) to fighting against the Lamb. This is when the Lamb annihilates the armies of the nations with one blast. The battle over Ukraine seems like it is for this or that reason, but the LORD Almighty is mustering the armies of the nations to battle.

These nations perchance practise not even know they are being summoned to the war of all wars. This is why Vladimir Putin is speaking as reckless equally nosotros've ever heard an international leader speak in years, especially with the power to cause such mass devastation.

This fiddling invasion can turn uglier any mean solar day now, or any week, month, or twelvemonth. Nevertheless, this is where we are at (in the timeline of the end-time events). The LORD gathers His elect:

31 And he shall send his angels with a nifty sound of a trumpet, and they shall assemble together his elect from the 4 winds, from one end of sky to the other.

Nosotros take 6 documents we've spent the last two years putting together that explains everything nosotros've briefly written in this email in detail. They are titled

  • WW3 in the Bible
  • The Final Gentile Kingdom
  • Matthew 24 and the Sixth Seal
  • Revelation Reorganized
  • The Third Temple in Jerusalem
  • And the Books Were Opened: Fifty-fifty the Sealed Volume for the Fourth dimension of the Cease

Be sure to be on our Newsletter list to get these in the next few weeks. We also have the Sealed Book of Moses and the Book of the Seven Seals coming out shortly (these are but for the very elect – you know who you are).

The Great Tribulation

All of this is vital for y'all to know because these events are shaping upwards to take place in the very near hereafter. It all started in March 2020. With the worldwide pestilence, the LORD began to revisit His covenant with the children of State of israel.

The times of the Gentiles were fulfilled in 2019-2020. There is a changing of the baby-sit happening around the world; the nation'due south time to rule is upwardly, and the LORD is visiting His people a 2nd time to recover them and restore His covenants with them.

This world will not be the same; this is why nosotros are experiencing atmospheric condition patterns unheard of, pandemics, violence, and distress of nations. OPEN YOUR Optics and receive the Holy Spirit.

Picket and Pray, Repent and Be Baptized

The collapse of the Usa and the five-calendar month world war are the next events to take place in prophecy. Hold onto your hat, that is to say, your religion. Repent and exist baptized and watch the salvation of the LORD.

I pray this has been edifying in the name of the Son of God.

Elderberry Ishe / Brthr Nhmyh


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